
ruby ×
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    What is the '<<~' called in ruby, how does it work?

    Sorry if this is an obvious one but I'm really stumped as to how to find...

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    How to add the web-terminal from Xterm.js library to Ruby on Rails project?

    I have a Ruby on Rails project and I need to add a web-terminal to it....

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    LXer: 6 Top Free and Open Source Ruby Web Frameworks

    Published at LXer: When it comes to web development, there are a fairly small range of...

  • Caching Strategies for Ultra-High Performance in Ruby on Rails

    We will discuss cache strategies and cache stores, as well as how to expire or invalidate...

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    Let there be docs! A documentation-first approach to Rails API development—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog

    A Docs-First Approach to Rails API Development? — Writing documentation for APIs is rarely an exciting...

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    Flappy Bird clone in Ruby

    Creating a Flappy Bird Clone with Ruby — How has it been ten years since Flappy...

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    Introducing Ruzzy, a coverage-guided Ruby fuzzer

    By Matt Schwager Trail of Bits is excited to introduce Ruzzy, a coverage-guided fuzzer for pure...

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    14 tools and gems every Ruby developer would love

    14 Tools and Gems Every Ruby Developer Would Love — I wouldn’t usually feature a list-driven...

  • Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails implementation of Event-driven architecture, EDA is a software architecture pattern that promotes the...

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    Whats' the different brew and gem install?

    Recently while running pod repo update, it ask me CocoaPods 1.15.0 is available. To update use:...

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    The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby

    The Art of Forking: Unlocking Scalability in Ruby — Karafka (a Ruby processing framework for Apache...

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    Running Rails on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    Running Rails on AWS Elastic Beanstalk — I hadn’t heard about Elastic Beanstalk in a Ruby...

  • astronoby gem v0.1.0 released

    ☀️ Astronoby v0.1: Work with Astronomical Data and Events — It’s very early days for this library,...