Bookmarks (1934)

  • Meta-Thunderbolt ā€“ Insane Rambles About Technology

    I recently moved to an area with an excellent local flea market, which has, over the...

  • Fun Friday: What's the most surprising CS topic you've used at work? | Lobsters

    By ā€œmost surprisingā€, I mean the thing youā€™d least expect would apply to your work. It...

  • What are you doing this weekend? | Lobsters

    Feel free to tell what you plan on doing this weekend and even ask for help...

  • Using GitHub as a (bad) blog platform ā€” kokada

    I finally started a new blog, thanks to the offer of @ratsclub to give me free...

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    Negative Space Programming: it's not bad, it's just misunderstood

    Negative Space programming is a new term for an old concept that has managed to captivate...

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    Revealing the Inner Structure of AWS Session Tokens

    TL;DR: A world first reverse engineering analysis of AWS Session Tokens. Prior to our research these...

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    Approximate nearest neighbor search with DiskANN in libSQL

    Vector search queries for huge datasets of large embeddings for retrieval-augmented generation require approximate nearest neighbor...

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    How it became like this? Ruby Range class

    Understanding the core class design and usage via its evolution Years ago, my studies into the...

  • Writing NixOS tests for fun and profit ā€” kokada

    I recently started a new side project writing an IPC library in Go for Hyprland, a...

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    Formatting Selected Text in QML

    Letā€™s say weā€™re working on a QML project that involves a TextEdit. Thereā€™s some text in...

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    Exploring the Power of Negative Space Programming

    Negative space programming is a concept that embraces the art of defining a program by what...

  • systemd, Part Deux

    It's been a bit since our last systemd post, but we've been hard at work, so...

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    RocksDB: Not A Good Choice for a High-Performance Streaming Platform | Feldera

    Recently, we added a custom storage engine to Feldera. Initially, we aimed to leverage an existing...

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    Understanding the Performance Implications of Storage-Disaggregated Databases

    Storage-compute disaggregation in databases has emerged as a pivotal architecture in cloud environments, as evidenced by...

  • A Tricky Floating-Point Calculation

    I was working on my simple-id library and was curious about different methods to generate an...

  • An Extensive Benchmark of C and C++ Hash Tables

    Jackson Allan Ā· Published 29 May 2024 Ā· Updated 2 June 2024 Introduction: Why Another Hash-Table...

  • Abstract interpretation in the Toy Optimizer

    CF Bolz-Tereick wrote some excellent posts in which they introduce a small IR and optimizer and...

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    How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate Us

    First of all: No illegal access was gained, and no data was lost, compromised, or exfiltrated...

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    Postgres sequences can commit out-of-order

    An under-appreciated fact is that while MVCC (multi-version concurrency control) systems like Postgres are strongly consistent,...

  • The history of replication in PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL 7.1 introduced the write-ahead log (WAL). Before that release, all open data files had to...

  • Software engineers are not (and should not be) technicians

    I donā€™t actually think predictability is a good thing in software engineering. This will probably come...

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    Go features by version

    This is a summary of which major features appeared in which versions of Go.Go is released...