
  • Janky Apple ID Security

    I had another instance of my Apple ID mysteriously being locked. First, my iPhone wanted me...

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    U.S. Code § 1

    In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise— words importing...

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    This week in KDE: megabytes and gigabytes for all

    On System Settings’ Region & Language page, you can now choose how you’d like storage sizes...

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    I Quit My Job

    So, I recently quit my job. On the evening of 25th Feb, I finally decided I’d...

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    Cartier macht großen Fehler: Mexikaner kauft Ohrringe im Wert von 26.000 Euro – für 26 Euro

    Ein Mexikaner hat zwei Paar Ohrringe des Schmuckherstellers Cartier für ein Tausendstel des Originalpreises gekauft. Schuld...

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    Mexiko verbietet sogenannte sexuelle Konversionstherapien

    Foltermethoden zur vermeintlichen Behandlung von Homo- und Transsexuellen sind in Mexiko zukünftig verboten. Das beschloss der...

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    Android TV has access to your entire account–but Google is changing that

    Google says it has patched a nasty loophole in the Android TV account security system, which...

  • Phalanx's Twilight, Legion's Triumph, Part IVc: Perseus

    This is the third part of the fourth part of our four(ish) part (Ia, Ib, IIa,...