Bookmarks (165)

  • Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality, along with Wearable Technology, are Changing How We Live and Work. What’s Next?

    Undeniably, virtual and augmented environments have been shown to have the power to change how we...

  • PerfDog Evo v10.2: Enhanced Performance Testing for Your Devices

    Checking out the latest version of the powerful performance testing tool of PerfDog!

  • Achieving Delivery Confidence with Synthetic Monitoring

    However, there is one way to achieve delivery and reliability confidence, which is by subjecting the...

  • A quick way to find out how many digits are in a number

    When you need to determine the number of digits in a number, the first approach that...

  • Let's write a piano chord visualization application - a vanilla JS beginner-friendly tutorial—part III.

    In part II (, we have learned and...

  • How Does A Dev Choose What Language To Write A Mobile App In?

    This is a memory lane piece about my first mobile app that actually made it to...

  • Best Logging libraries You Must Use with detailed Implementation

    In C#, logging is a critical aspect of application development as it helps in debugging, monitoring...

  • Java | Spring Boot - Library Upgrades Modernization

    In this article, we explore OpenRewrite by Moderne, an automated refactoring ecosystem that helps developers eliminate...

  • Caching Strategies for Ultra-High Performance in Ruby on Rails

    We will discuss cache strategies and cache stores, as well as how to expire or invalidate...

  • Better string formatting in Java with MessageFormat

    Better string formatting in Java by using MessageFormat

  • Scroll through complete life cycle of ML application developed for manufacturing facility to predict life of their product

    Predicting the Lifespan of Communication Devices : Overview of life cycle of Machine Learning project for...

  • Exploring Angular Data Binding Techniques

    What is Data Binding? Data binding is the process of synchronizing the data between the model...

  • How to Mock Static Methods With Mockito

    Learn how to mock static methods with Mockito. Master the art of unit testing for robust...

  • The Future of Architectural Visualisation

    Imagine that you are in the market for a new house or office space that either...

  • Switch Statements And Switch Expressions In Java: The differences

    Among the control flow statements in Java, Switch is arguably the most delicate. Many programmers, even...

  • The React Tower of Babel: Navigating Complexity in Javascript Development

    Some thoughts on the evolution and current state of web development in the JavaScript ecosystem.

  • The Exciting Future of VR and AI: How Technology is Changing the Game

    Few would deny that technology is not only evolving, but doing so at an accelerated pace....

  • JavaScript: Clean Code

    NB: Attached link is not mine, sharing this here for the community. A long while ago,...

  • Destructuring with default values in JavaScript

    Destructuring is a useful JavaScript ES6 feature. I am pretty sure a lot of JavaScript developers...

  • What is Lambda Architecture?

    Start writing here...Lambda architecture is a way of processing massive quantities of data (i.e “Big Data”)...

  • Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

    Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

  • Mastering Postman: Leveraging Environment Variables for Seamless CLI Collection Execution

    Mastering Postman: Leveraging Environment Variables for Seamless CLI Collection Execution

  • Primitive Data Types In Java: Understand The Core Essentials

    Explore the fundamentals of primitive data types in Java, from integers to booleans, and understand their...

  • Navigating the Troubleshooting Maze: Resolving Display Issues in Java and JavaScript Development

    Navigating the Troubleshooting Maze: Resolving Display Issues in Java and JavaScript Development

  • Problem-solving Hacks-Solving Problems by Avoidance

    Have you ever laughed hard at a good joke? Sometimes it’s just you. Other times, it’s...

  • Building Vue Components With Pug & Stylus

    This post assumes you have beginner to intermediate JavaScript & Vue knowledge, have heard of, or...

  • Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu

    Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu

  • Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails implementation of Event-driven architecture, EDA is a software architecture pattern that promotes the...

  • Easily deploying Azure Functions with GitHub Actions

    Setting up a GitHub Action to deploy an Azure Functions project takes minimal effort, and will...

  • How meta improved their cache consistency to 99.99999999

    In this blog we will discuss the approach used by meta to improve their cache consistency...

  • Crafting Excellence: A Comprehensive Approach to Refreshing Your Accounting Company Website

    Crafting Excellence: A Comprehensive Approach to Refreshing Your Accounting Company Website