Bookmarks (143)

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    State of React 2023

    The Results of State of React 2023 — The State of React 2023 survey ran last...

  • GeoStyler

    🗺️  GeoStyler 15.0: UI Components for Map Styling — Build flexible user interfaces for map styling...

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    Introduction | React DayPicker

    📅  React DayPicker: A Component to Create Date Picker Controls — There are a lot of...

  • React Native Filament Documentation | React Native Filament Documentation

    React Native Filament: A 3D Rendering Engine for React Native — It’s fast, native 3D rendering...

  • Use useId() Instead Of Hand-Making IDs

    Use useId() Instead of Hand-Making IDs — Why to use useId instead of hand-made IDs to...

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    DRY – the common source of bad abstractions | Swizec Teller

    DRY – A Common Source of Bad Abstractions — The pursuit of avoiding repetition at all...

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    How to choose the best rendering strategy for your app – Vercel

    How to Choose the Best Rendering Strategy for Your App — Get a feel for the...

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    How Airbnb Smoothly Upgrades React

    How Airbnb Smoothly Upgrades React — Airbnb has recently completed an upgrade of all its Web-facing...

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    Build a waitlist with Clerk user metadata

    Build a Waitlist with Clerk User Metadata — Discover how to implement a waitlist in your...

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    React Summit 2024: Why Use Redux Today?

    ▶  Why Use Redux Today? — The maintainer of the popular Redux state management library gave a...

  • MDXEditor - the Rich Text Markdown Editor React Component

    MDXEditor 3.8: A Rich Markdown Editor Component — A Lexical-powered Markdown editor for React apps. The...

  • InfiniteGrid

    InfiniteGrid 4.12: Arrange Card Elements Infinitely in a Grid Layout — A mature and established way...

  • React CodeMirror - CodeMirror component for React.

    React CodeMirror: A CodeMirror Editor Component — CodeMirror is a popular JavaScript code editor component –...

  • xr Documentation

    xr 6.0: Make React Three Fiber Apps into Immersive Experiences — React Three Fiber is a...

  • How to deploy your React app using Container Registry | DigitalOcean

    How to Deploy Your React App Using Container Registry — DigitalOcean’s commercial alternative to deploying React...

  • Migrating Coinbase's 56 Million Users to React Native: Key Lessons and Takeaways – StepChange

    ▶  Migrating Coinbase's 56 Million Users to React Native — An interview with Nick Cherry, a React...

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    Advanced Next.js: Server Actions, Routing & Data Fetching | React 18+

    Level Up Your Next.js Skills — Join Scott Moss for this detailed video course on intermediate...

  • From Web to Native with React

    What React Devs Need to Know About React Native — While React and React Native share many...

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    Releases | TinyBase

    TinyBase 5.0: A Reactive Data Store for Local-First Apps — A data store that can act...

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    React Flow 12 release – xyflow

    React Flow 12: Build Node-Based Editors and Interactive Diagrams — Now more broadly known as xyflow,...

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    Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React compiler won’t save you

    Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React Compiler Won’t Save You — Closures can lead to...

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    Warning: React 19's use Hook Can Impact App Performance

    ▶  React 19's use Hook Can Impact App Performance — The new use() hook in React 19...

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    Learn Suspense by Building a Suspense-Enabled Library

    Learn Suspense by Building a Suspense-Enabled Library — What better way to learn than to get...

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    Using React 19 with Vite and Next.js

    ▶  Using React 19 with Both Vite and Then Next.js — The VP of Product at Vercel...

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    useCallback vs. useMemo

    ▶  useCallback versus useMemo — While superficially they may seem similar, in just 11 minutes we learn...

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    Path To A Clean(er) React Architecture (Part 7) - Domain Logic

    Path to a Clean(er) React Architecture: Domain Logic — The latest part of an ongoing series...

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    Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance with React 18

    Enhancing The New York Times' Web Performance with React 18 — Late last year, the team...

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    GitHub - apptension/saas-boilerplate: SaaS Boilerplate - Open Source and free SaaS stack that lets you build SaaS products faster in React, Django and AWS. Focus on essential business logic instead...

    SaaS Boilerplate 3.0: Opinionated Full Stack Boilerplate — If you like your server side to be...

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    GitHub - pmndrs/gltfjsx: 🎮 Turns GLTFs into JSX components

    GLTFJSX: Turn glTF 3D Models into JSX Components — glTF is a standard format for storing...


    Alveron: Elm-Inspired State Management for React — Supports async effects by default and built on top...

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    GitHub - silx-kit/h5web: React components for data visualization and exploration

    H5Web 12.0: Components for Data Visualization and Exploration — Initially built for the HDF5 data format...

  • LetsForm

    LetsForm: Create React Forms from Simple JSON — The form elements are rendered using Material UI,...

  • Document

    React Ace 12.0: Use the Act Editor in React Apps — Ace is a long standing...

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    Preparing for React 19: a guide for WordPress 6.6 users

    Preparing for React 19: A Guide for WordPress 6.6 Users — React is used more heavily...

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    Big Suspense Changes in React 19: Explained In Code

    ▶  Big Suspense Changes in React 19: Explained in Code — Two weeks ago, we featured a...

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    Use a framework to build React Native apps · React Native

    The React Native Team Says 'Use a Framework' — Using frameworks, such as Expo, is now...

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    Balancing Old Tricks with New Feats: AI-Powered Conversion From Enzyme to React Testing Library at Slack - Slack Engineering

    Slack's AI-Powered Conversion from Enzyme to React Testing Library — Frameworks, libraries, and tools come and...

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    GitHub - sadmann7/sortable: A sortable component built with shadcn/ui, radix ui, and dnd-kit.

    Sortable: A Sorting Component for Tables, Forms, etc. — Built with Next.js, it uses shadcn/ui and...

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    GitHub - zheksoon/snapdrag: A simple, lightweight, and performant drag and drop library for React and vanilla JS

    Snapdrag: A Straightforward Drag-and-Drop Library — A new drag-and-drop library built partly out of frustration of...

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    simpleParallax.js - Easy Parallax Effect for React & JavaScript

    simpleParallax: A Simple, React-Focused Way to Create Parallax Effects to Images — A straightforward library to add...

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    GitHub - pdfslick/pdfslick: View and Interact with PDFs in React SolidJS, Svelte and JavaScript apps

    PDFSlick: View and Interact with PDFs — An interesting PDF viewer for React, Solid, Svelte and...

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    Migrating to Next.js App Router with zero downtime — WorkOS

    Migrating to Next.js App Router with Zero Downtime — Migrating a complex app page by page...

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    Understanding React Compiler | Tony Alicea

    Understanding React Compiler — The new, experimental tool from the React team automates your performance tuning...

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    Behind the Code: A Discussion with Backend Experts

    Behind the Code: A Discussion with Backend Experts — On July 16, join contributors, founders, and CEOs...

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    Introducing React-Admin V5

    Introducing React-Admin v5 — A MIT-licensed framework for building typical webapps on top of REST or...

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    How To Use Google Sheets as a Database With React via Next.js

    How to Use Google Sheets as a 'Database' with React — The most compelling reason to...

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    Release Version 17.0.0 Release Notes · facebook/relay

    Relay 17: The Data-Driven React App Framework — Like React, Relay comes from Facebook and is...

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    GitHub - callstack/reassure: Performance testing companion for React and React Native

    Reassure 1.0: Perf Testing Companion for React and React Native — Automate React app performance regression...

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    React 19 and Suspense - A Drama in 3 Acts

    React 19 and Suspense: A Drama in Three Acts — It’s not a good sign when...

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    Tracing: Frontend issues with backend solutions

    Tracing Workshop: Frontend Issues with Backend Solutions — As Developers, we often hear complaints like, “This page...