Bookmarks (51)

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    House Inputs and Outputs

    People think power over ethernet is so great, and yet when I try to do water...

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    President Venn Diagram

    Hard to imagine political rhetoric more microtargeted at me than 'I love Venn diagrams. I really...

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    We were going to try swordfighting, but all my compiling is on hold.

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    Organ Meanings

    IMO the thymus is one of the coolest organs and we should really use it in...

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    Beam of Light

    Einstein's theories solved a longstanding mystery about Mercury: Why it gets so hot. "It's because," he...

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    Anadromous fish are more vulnerable in rivers, since the lack of salt means you can quickly...

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    A Crossword Puzzle

    Hint: If you ever encounter this puzzle in a crossword app, just [term for someone with...

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    Number Line Branch

    Attention all passengers: This is an express sequence to infinity. If your stop is not a...

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    Pole Vault

    Ugh, and we JUST went through this yesterday with javelin.

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    Bracket Symbols

    ’"‘”’" means "I edited this text on both my phone and my laptop before sending it"

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    Alien Theories

    They originally came here to try to investigate our chemtrail technology, and got increasingly frustrated when...

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    Routine Maintenance

    The worst was the time they accidentally held the can upside down and froze all the...

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    Bad Map Projection: Exterior Kansas

    Although Kansas is widely thought to contain the geographic center of the contiguous 48 states, topologists...

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    We're right under the flight path for the scheduled orbital launch, but don't worry--it's too cold...

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    Network Configuration

    If you repeatedly rerun the development of technological civilization, it turns out that for some reason...

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    Electric vs Gas

    An idling gas engine may be annoyingly loud, but that's the price you pay for having...

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    Pascal's Wager Triangle

    In contrast to Pascal's Wager Triangle, Pascal's Triangle Wager argues that maybe God wants you to...

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    1.2 Kilofives

    'Oh yeah? Give me 50 milliscore reasons why I should stop.'

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    Broken Model

    In addition to eating foxes, rabbits can eat grass. The grass also eats foxes. Our equations...

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    Magnet Fishing

    The ten-way tie was judged a ten-way tie, so no one won the grand prize, a...

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    Unsolved Chemistry Problems

    I'm an H⁺ denier, in that I refuse to consider loose protons to be real hydrogen,...

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    Fluid Speech

    Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me...

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    Cell Organelles

    It's believed that Golgi was originally an independent organism who was eventually absorbed into our cells,...

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    Modes of Transportation

    My bold criticism might anger the hot air balloon people, which would be a real concern...

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    Complexity Analysis

    PERPETUALLY OPTIMISTIC CASE: Early in the execution, our research group makes a breakthrough on proving P=NP.

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    Local Group

    Cosmologists estimate the spaghetti strand to be about 200 septillion calories, though it could be higher...

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    Room Code

    Sorry to make you memorize this random string of digits. If it helps, it can also...

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    Exponential Growth

    Karpov's construction of a series of increasingly large rice cookers led to a protracted deadlock, but...

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    Ocean Loop

    I can't believe they wouldn't even let me hold a vote among the passengers about whether...

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    Bloom Filter

    Sometimes, you can tell Bloom filters are the wrong tool for the job, but when they're...

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    Elementary Physics Paths

    ==COSMOLOGY==> 'Uhhh ... how sure are we that everything is made of these?'

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    Driving PSA

    This PSA brought to you by several would-be assassins who tried to wave me in front...

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    Certain hybrid events can only happen in certain locations where all the conditions are present; chasers...

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    Google Solar Cycle

    From Google Trends, it looks like the lag between people Googling cocktail recipes and 'hangover cure'...

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    Good and Bad Ideas

    While it seemed like a fun prank at the time, I realize my prank fire extinguishers...

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    Software Testing Day

    The company tried to document how often employees were celebrating Software Testing Day, but their recordkeeping...

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    Doppler Effect

    The Doppler effect is a mysterious wavelength-shifting phenomenon which seems to primarily affect sirens, which is...

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    Earth Formation Site

    It's not far from the sign marking the exact latitude and longitude of the Earth's core.

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    Pendulum Types

    The creepy fingers that grow from a vibrating cornstarch-water mix can be modeled as a chain...

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    Scary Triangles

    Concealed mostly beneath the surface, sharks are the icebergs of the sea.

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    Pub Trivia

    Bonus question: Where is London located? (a) The British Isles (b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland...

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    Eclipse Path Maps

    Okay, this eclipse will only be visible from the Arctic in February 2063, when the sun...

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    Survey Marker

    Fun fact: The standard North American NAD83 coordinate system is misaligned from the actual Earth, off-center...

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    Sitting in a Tree

    First comes blood / Then we perish / Then comes Death in his Eternity Carriage.

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    Tick Marks

    If you're really savvy, you can hide an entire set of illicit transactions by timing them...

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    Types of Eclipse Photo

    The most rare, top-tier eclipse photo would be the Solar Earth Eclipse, but the Apollo 12...

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    The Credible Machine

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    Eclipse Clouds

    The rare compound solar-lunar-nephelogical eclipse

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    Eclipse Coolness

    A partial eclipse is like a cool sunset. A total eclipse is like someone broke the...