Bookmarks (436)

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    Python Protocols: Leveraging Structural Subtyping – Real Python

    Python Protocols: Leveraging Structural Subtyping In this tutorial, you’ll learn about Python’s protocols and how they...

  • Effortless autoscaling for Python applications

    Prod Alerts? You Should be Autoscaling Let Judoscale solve your scaling issues. We support Django, Flask,...

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    Trying out free-threaded Python on macOS

    Trying Out Free-Threaded Python on macOS Free-threaded mode is available as a compile option in the...

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    Python's Built-in Functions: A Complete Exploration Quiz – Real Python

    Quiz: Python’s Built-in Functions: A Complete Exploration Take this quiz to test your knowledge about the...

  • Python Insider: Python 3.13.0 beta 4 released

    Python 3.13.0 Beta 4 Released CPYTHON DEV BLOG

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    Exercises Course: Introduction to Web Scraping With Python – Real Python

    Exercises Course: Introduction to Web Scraping With Python In this course, you’ll practice the main steps...


    When Generators Get Cleaned Up When playing with generators in asynchronous code, Sam ran into some...

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    Posit Connect - Help Your Data Science Team Share and Collaborate Tired of emailing files around...

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    Different ways I start writing new code

    Different Ways I Start Writing New Code In this article, the author talks about the different...

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    A Python Epoch Timestamp Timezone Trap

    A Python Epoch Timestamp Timezone Trap Date and times are problematic and there are all sorts...

  • How To Convert A Python Script Into A Web App, A Product Others Can Use - Pybites

    How to Convert a Python Script Into a Web App This post shows you how to...

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    Instrumenting Python GIL with eBPF

    Instrumenting Python GIL With eBPF eBPF is a tool available on Linux to dig into the...

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    Approximate Counting in Django and Postgres

    Approximate Counting in Django and Postgres Pagination in Django uses the rather slow SELECT COUNT(*) SQL...

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    Assignment vs. Mutation in Python

    Assignment vs. Mutation in Python In Python, “change” can mean two different things. Assignment changes which...

  • Flask vs Django in 2024

    Flask vs Django in 2024 This post compares Flask and Django, from what they specialize in...

  • TIL 100 – Making an iterator out of a function

    Making an Iterator Out of a Function You can use the Python built-in function iter with...

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    Developing GraphQL APIs in Django with Strawberry

    Developing GraphQL APIs in Django With Strawberry This tutorial details how to integrate GraphQL with Django...

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    GitHub - pomponchik/cbfa: Class-based views for the FastAPI

    cbfa: Class-Based Views for FastAPI GITHUB.COM/POMPONCHIK • Shared by Evgeniy Blinov (pomponchik)

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    Satyrn: macOS App for Jupyter Nobtebooks SATYRN.APP

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    Datasketch: Probabilistic Data Structures PYPI.ORG

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    GitHub - gutomaia/pyNES: Python programming for Nintendo 8 bits

    pyNES: Python Programming for Nintendo 8 Bits GITHUB.COM/GUTOMAIA

  • GitHub - sandialabs/staged-script: A Python package enabling the development of robust automation scripts that are subdivided into stages.

    staged-script: Divide Automation Scripts Into Stages GITHUB.COM/SANDIALABS • Shared by Jason M. Gates

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    SPb Python Community | Meetup

    SPb Python Drinkup July 25, 2024 MEETUP.COM

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    PyDelhi - Python Delhi User Group! | Meetup

    PyDelhi User Group Meetup July 27, 2024 MEETUP.COM

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    Asyncio gather() Handle Exceptions - Super Fast Python

    Asyncio gather() Handle Exceptions The asyncio.gather() function takes an optional argument return_exceptions which changes the behavior...

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    Incident Report: Leaked GitHub Personal Access Token - The Python Package Index Blog

    Incident Report: Leaked GitHub Personal Access Token A PyPI admin accidentally leaked credentials into a Docker...

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    Learn New Technical Skills

    GPU Accelerate Your Data Science Workflows End-to-End Discover how to create, accelerate, and deploy data pipelines...

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    Announcing Our New Infrastructure Engineer

    PSF Announces Infrastructure Engineer PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION

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    Kiwi PyCon XIII

    Register for Kiwi PyCon, Aug 23-25 KIWIPYCON.NZ • Shared by Kiwi PyCon

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    Split Your Dataset With scikit-learn's train_test_split() Quiz – Real Python

    Quiz: Split Datasets With scikit-learn.train_test_split() REAL PYTHON

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    PySkyWiFi: completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights | Robert Heaton

    Free, Unbelievably Stupid Wi-Fi on Long-Haul Flights Deep in a need to procrastinate on a flight...

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    Episode #212: Digging Into Graph Theory in Python With David Amos – The Real Python Podcast

    Digging Into Graph Theory in Python With David Amos Have you wondered about graph theory and...

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    My programming beliefs as of July 2024

    My Programming Beliefs as of July 2024 This collection of thoughts outlines how Evan approaches coding,...

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    Breaking out of nested loops with generators

    Breaking Out of Nested Loops With Generators Have you ever had the situation where you’ve got...

  • “Extracting wisdom” from conference videos – Gonçalo Valério

    “Extracting Wisdom” From Conference Videos There are so many conferences and so many videos, you can’t...

  • Creating a Simple Pastebin Service in Python and Flask | Muhammad

    Creating a Simple Pastebin Service in Python and Flask Learn how to build a functional pastebin...

  • How a Decorator Crashed My Flask App: Lessons Learned

    How a Decorator Crashed My Flask App This blog post shows how failing to use functools.wraps...

  • Python has too many package managers

    Python Has Too Many Package Managers Overview of Python’s Package management ecosystem in 2024 and associated...

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    Creating Images in Your Terminal with Python and Rich Pixels

    Creating Images in Your Terminal With Python and Rich Pixels Rich Pixels, a package from one...

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    How Do You Choose Python Function Names? – Real Python

    How Do You Choose Python Function Names? This tutorial discusses the rules and conventions for choosing...

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    Using HTMX with FastAPI

    Using HTMX With FastAPI This tutorial looks at how use HTMX with FastAPI by creating a...

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    GitHub - vshymanskyy/ViperIDE: An innovative MicroPython / CircuitPython IDE for Web and Mobile

    ViperIDE: MicroPython IDE for Web and Mobile GITHUB.COM/VSHYMANSKYY

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    Evidently AI - ML system design: 450 case studies

    ML System Design: 450 Case Studies to Learn From EVIDENTLYAI.COM • Shared by Daria Maliugina

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    GitHub - erezsh/reladiff: High-performance diffing of large datasets across databases

    reladiff: High-Perf Diffing of Large Datasets Across Databases GITHUB.COM/EREZSH

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    GitHub - tusharsadhwani/yen: The last Python environment manager you'll ever need.

    Yen: The Last Python Environment Manager You’ll Ever Need GITHUB.COM/TUSHARSADHWANI • Shared by Tushar Sadhwani

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    Python Kampala (PyKla) | Meetup

    PyKla Monthly Meetup July 24, 2024 MEETUP.COM

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    LLM Guardrails, Wed, Jul 24, 2024, 6:00 PM | Meetup

    PyLadies Amsterdam July 24, 2024 MEETUP.COM

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    Home - PyOhio 2024

    PyOhio 2024 July 27 to July 28, 2024 PYOHIO.ORG

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    Customize VS Code Settings – Real Python

    Customize VS Code Settings In this course, Philipp helps you customize your Visual Studio Code settings...