~postgresweekly | Bookmarks (114)
Just because you’re getting an index scan, doesn't mean you can’t do better! - pgMustard
Just Because You’re Getting an Index Scan, Doesn't Mean You Can’t Do Better — If you...
GitHub - chartdb/chartdb: Database diagrams editor that allows you to visualize and design your DB with a single query.
ChartDB: Open Source Database Schema Diagram Editor — Create a new schema from scratch or quickly...
DB Fiddle - SQL Database Playground
DB Fiddle: An Online SQL Database Playground — It’s been a couple of years since I...
Replacing Oracle Hints: Best Practices with pg_hint_plan on PostgreSQL
Replacing Oracle Hints: Best Practices with pg_hint_plan — Oracle Database users can use ‘hints’ to guide...
commit_delay for better performance: a PostgreSQL benchmark
commit_delay for Better Performance: A Postgres Benchmark — Laurenz shares benchmark results highlighting the performance wins...
Automating Data Summarization in PostgreSQL With Claude
🤖 Automating Data Summarization in Postgres with Claude — Timescale shows how to bring pgvector together with...
GitHub - microsoft/documentdb: DocumentDB offers a native implementation of document-oriented NoSQL database, enabling seamless CRUD operations on BSON data types within a PostgreSQL framework. Pow...
DocumentDB: Microsoft Brings More NoSQL to Postgres — Not to be confused with the proprietary Amazon...
Logon trigger in PostgreSQL
Logon Triggers in Postgres — In Postgres 17 you can create a trigger that occurs upon...
InstantDB: A Modern Firebase
A Major Aurora Postgres Upgrade with Zero Downtime — Inspired by an earlier blog post from...
A New Postgres Block Storage Layout for Full Text Search — pg_search is a Postgres extension...
PostgreSQL Cheatsheet | Datadog
PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Cheatsheet — Start tracking vital resource and activity metrics from your PostgreSQL databases...
VACUUM (INDEX_CLEANUP OFF) Considered Harmful — “Unless you are sure you know what you are doing...
Mathesar - Open source UI for Postgres databases
Mathesar: A Spreadsheet Interface to Postgres Databases — An open source (GPLv3) tool providing a table-style...
Hello world! - 🔬 pgwatch
pgwatch 3.0: A Flexible Postgres Monitoring Solution — v3.0 adds support for Postgres 17 (including new...
GitHub - cybertec-postgresql/pg_squeeze: A PostgreSQL extension for automatic bloat cleanup
pg_squeeze 1.8: Extension to Automate Table Bloat Cleanup — While not a replacement for vacuuming, this...
VeilStream – Simple Data Access Management for Postgres — VeilStream is a secure, self-hosted, Postgres filter...
Who Contributed to PostgreSQL Development in 2024?
Who Contributed to Postgres Development in 2024? — Each year, Robert compiles a list of those...
HeidiSQL - MariaDB/MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Interbase/Firebird made easy
HeidiSQL 12.10: A Native Windows App for Database Work — A handy, open source database management...
GitHub - dbos-inc/dbos-transact-ts: Ultra-Lightweight Durable Execution in TypeScript
DBOS Transact v2: Lightweight Durable Execution in TypeScript — An opensource library for lightweight durable execution...
Don't forget about the Postgres parallel leader participation setting
Don't Forget About the Parallel Leader Participation Setting — Kaarel has his own TLDR: “You should...
Implementing thread-safe scanners and parsers in PostgreSQL
Implementing Thread-Safe Scanners and Parsers in Postgres — Unless you’re a Postgres implementer (like top 5...
Anatomy of table-level locks: Reducing locking impact
Anatomy of Table-Level Locks: Reducing Locking Impact — It’s easy to lock an entire table when...
# GROUP BY: Fixing optimizer estimates
GROUP BY and Fixing Optimizer Estimates — Did you know the more columns a GROUP BY...
Vendor Evaluation Template for Postgres Performance Tools
Find the Best Postgres Monitoring & Tuning Vendor for 2025 — Download our free Vendor Evaluation...