Bookmarks (15)

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    Vacuum of Space to Decay Sooner Than Expected (but Still Not Soon) | Quanta Magazine

    One of the quantum fields that fills the universe is special because its default value seems...

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    What Could Explain the Gallium Anomaly? | Quanta Magazine

    Physicists have ruled out a mundane explanation for the strange findings of an old Soviet experiment,...

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    Tracing the Hidden Hand of Magnetism in the Galaxy | Quanta Magazine

    Susan Clark is helping to unravel the mysterious workings of the Milky Way’s magnetic field, a...

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    How Is Science Even Possible? | Quanta Magazine

    How are scientists able to crack fundamental questions about nature and life? How does math make...

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    The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes

    Making ice requires more than subzero temperatures. The unpredictable process takes microscopic scaffolding, random jiggling and...

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    The S-Matrix Is the Oracle Physicists Turn To in Times of Crisis | Quanta Magazine

    Particle physicists in search of the next theory of reality are consulting a mathematical structure that...

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    He Seeks Mystery Magnetic Fields With His Quantum Compass | Quanta Magazine

    Alex Sushkov is updating an old technology with new quantum tricks in hopes of sensing the...

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    Will Better Superconductors Transform the World? | Quanta Magazine

    Scientists are pursuing materials that can conduct electricity with perfect efficiency under ambient conditions. In this...

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    Dogged Dark Matter Hunters Find New Hiding Places to Check | Quanta Magazine

    Perhaps dark matter is made of an entirely different kind of particle than the ones physicists...

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    How a NASA Probe Solved a Scorching Solar Mystery | Quanta Magazine

    The outer layers of the sun’s atmosphere are a blistering million degrees hotter than its surface....

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    AI Starts to Sift Through String Theory’s Near-Endless Possibilities | Quanta Magazine

    Using machine learning, string theorists are finally showing how microscopic configurations of extra dimensions translate into...

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    Geometers Engineer New Tools to Wrangle Spacecraft Orbits | Quanta Magazine

    Mathematicians think abstract tools from a field called symplectic geometry might help with planning missions to...

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    Can Information Escape a Black Hole? | Quanta Magazine

    Black holes are inescapable traps for most of what falls into them — but there can...

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    How the Ancient Art of Eclipse Prediction Became an Exact Science | Quanta Magazine

    The timing of the total eclipse on April 8, 2024, will be known to within a...

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    Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds | Quanta Magazine

    A generation of physicists has referred to the dark energy that permeates the universe as “the...