Bookmarks (1991)

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    Augmented Tree Data Structures

    Data structures are a serious tool to store data conveniently. Modern applications have the flexibility to...

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    Court Reveals Wright's 2024 MYOB Email Was Manipulated to Support False Claims

    Dr. Wright's MYOB Ontier email, supposedly from December 2019, was forged on 18 February 2024. The...

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    Debunking Craig Wright's Sartre Message

    In May 2016, Dr. Craig Wright tried to prove he was Satoshi Nakamoto using the "Sartre...

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    Holodeck Heroes: Building AI Companions for the Final Frontier

    This article is the third in the series of future technology articles—this one focusing on Large...

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    COPA takes Craig Wright to Court for Impersonating Satoshi Nakamoto with Forged Emails

    COPA alleges Dr. Craig Wright forged a January 2014 email from "Satoshi Nakamoto" to support his...

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    Light Nodes: Balancing Cost and Data Integrity in Blockchain Accessibility

    Light nodes offer a cost-effective way to access blockchain data by synchronizing only limited information (like...

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    Balancing Blockchain Access: Local Nodes vs. Third-Party Services

    The choice between running a local full node and relying on third-party services for blockchain access...

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    Navigating the Node-as-a-Service Market: Benefits, Risks, and Open Questions

    Node-as-a-Service (NAAS) offers a cost-effective alternative to running a full node by outsourcing blockchain access to...

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    Running a Full Node: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining a Blockchain Ledger Locally

    Running a full node is a secure method for accessing blockchain information locally, involving direct interaction...

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    Key Expectations for Blockchain Accessibility: Integrity, Availability, and Privacy

    This section discusses the expectations for blockchain accessibility, focusing on integrity, availability, and privacy. It highlights...

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    Last Mile of Blockchains: RPC and Node-as-a-Service

    The paper compares different methods for accessing blockchains, highlightingthe trade-offs between running a full node and...

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    Forensic Analysis Exposes Flaws in Craig Wright's Tulip Trust Deed

    COPA alleges Dr. Craig Wright forged the Tulip Trust Deed by backdating it to 23 October...

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    Discovering the Capabilities of IoTeX's Pebble Tracker

    The Pebble Tracker by IoTeX is a blockchain-powered IoT device that captures real-time data on location,...

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    24-Hour vs Detailed Project Development Estimation

    24-hour estimation is often opposed to another type of estimation that we call “detailed estimation” for...

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    Data Engineering: What’s the Value of API Security in the Generative AI Era?

    API security is crucial in the era of Generative AI, ensuring data integrity, protecting user privacy,...

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    What Content to Create and How to Publish It: Part 1

    Mastering the Art of Publication: A comprehensive guide outlining key criteria for evaluating publications, common recommendations...

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    Can Tether Pump BTC Through Uncontrolled Emission?

    A years-long lawsuit against Tether and Bitfinex was brought back to life by filing an amended...

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    Inconsistencies Found in Craig Wright’s MYOB Bitcoin Transactions

    COPA alleges that Dr. Craig Wright forged MYOB accounting records to backdate Bitcoin transactions, supporting his...

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    Network++ Part 2

    NAS refer to service s allow user to access computer networks or the internet. These services...

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    The Importance Of a Routine Smart Contract Audit In Blockchain Security

    Smart contracts are pieces of self-executing computer programs on a blockchain. They are designed to function...

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    How I Implemented Access Approval in Our Open Source Project

    Makaut Buddy, a notes-sharing platform for university students, faced challenges in managing user uploads securely. This...

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    RGB++ Layer: Transforming Bitcoin with Asset Issuance, Smart Contracts, and Interoperability

    RGB++ Layer is an upgraded concept from the __[RGB++ protocol. It extends isomorphic binding, smart contract...

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    Hex-Edited Bitcoin Executable Linked to COPA's Forgery Claims

    Dr. Craig Wright's bitcoin.exe document, purportedly from January 2009, is alleged to be a forgery by...

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    COPA Accuses Craig Wright of Manipulating Bitcoin Flowchart Documents

    A document claimed by Dr. Wright to be an early Bitcoin source code flowchart is alleged...

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    C++ Code Documents in Bitcoin Case Deemed Forgery

    Two C++ source code documents claimed to be early Bitcoin models by Dr. Wright are alleged...

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    Crypto Open Patent Alliance Finds Evidence of Tampering in Wright's Claim to be Bitcoin Founder

    A document dated December 2008, purported to be a precursor to the Bitcoin White Paper, is...

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    How to Detect and Minimise Hallucinations in AI Models

    While it is evident that machine learning algorithms are able to solve more challenging requirements, they...

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    How Bitcoin Merges Religion, Philosophy, and Innovation to Unlock Financial Prosperity

    We are answering a few questions as follows: What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a programmable money,...

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    Binary Size in Go Applications: How to Use Go-size-analyze

    Go is known for its simplicity and efficiency, but as projects grow in size, so can...

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    Advancements in Bitcoin Scaling — Side Chains and Layer 2 Solutions as Key Players

    Detailing Bitcoin’s journey in scaling, the role of Layer 2 solutions and Side Chains and prospects...

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    10 LeetCode Patterns to Solve 1000 LeetCode Problems

    10 LeetCode Patterns that solve 1000 LeetCode Problems. Too optimistic? Not at all. These 10 patterns...

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    How to Build a Request Access Approval System Using Next.js

    Next.js is a powerful React framework for creating fast, scalable web applications with server-side rendering and...

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    Using AI to Combat Counterfeit Goods in the Supply Chain

    It's relatively easy to slip counterfeit goods into the supply chain, damaging economies, companies, and individuals....

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    How to Improve Your Workflow by 10X: 17 Essential Apps

    I've curated a list of 17 top-tier tools from graphic editor suites and wireframing tools to...

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    How to Debug and Solve a Big Production Problem With SaaS

    In this article I outline a comprehensive guide for software engineers and related roles on how...

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    Balance Is Killing Your Ambition: How to Become World Class

    Everything the best athletes do is to improve their game performance. If you play several distracting...

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    Particle Physics Neuroscience: Does e = mc^2 Have an Equivalent for the Human Mind?

    It is theorized that in a set, electrical signals strike to fuse briefly with chemical signals,...

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    The Top 5 Angular DataGrids

    Learn about the Top 5 Angular DataGrids for your web applications and their notable features in...

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    Why C-Suite Executives Won’t Cut it Without Data Skills Anymore

    Every industry generates massive amounts of data, which is now being used for better decision-making. One...

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    Building a Simple Custom Processor With Apache Ni-Fi

    Apache NiFi is a powerful tool for automating data flows with a large number of built-in...

  • From Outputs to Outcomes

    Shifting from output to outcome can be stressful but rewarding. Empower your Scrum teams with guidance,...

  • Our Short-form Series Perform Better Than Netflix. Here's How we Film Them

    Explore how vertical short-form video series are disrupting traditional streaming, with insights on creating mobile-first content...

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    Morpheus.Network: Changing the Face of Global Supply Chains

    Founded in 2017, Morpheus.Network, a Toronto-based company, has harnessed blockchain technology to address the complex challenges...