Bookmarks (171)

  • Safeguarding changes using the plan-execute pattern

    Safeguarding Changes using the Plan-Execute Pattern — A pattern used by tools like Terraform where a...

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    How I build simple Mac apps using Go

     How I Build Simple Mac Apps using Go — The creator of DarwinKit, a set of...

  • research!rsc: Hash-Based Bisect Debugging in Compilers and Runtimes

    Hash-Based Bisect Debugging in Compilers and Runtimes — If you’ve ever had to debug a large...

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    Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost — Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions...

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    First impressions of Go 1.23's range-over-func feature

    First Impressions of Go 1.23's Range-over-Func Feature — When the author read Go’s newest iteration proposal,...

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    Go 1.23: Interactive release notes

    Interactive Release Notes for Go 1.23 — If you find traditional release notes hard going, this...

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    GitHub - go-kratos/kratos: Your ultimate Go microservices framework for the cloud-native era.

    Kratos 2.8: A Go Framework for Cloud-Based Microservices — A “microservice-oriented governance framework” built around HTTP/gRPC.


    LinDB: A Go-Powered Time Series Database System — Joining a long line of Go-powered database systems...

  • govulncheck command - - Go Packages

    🔒 govulncheck 1.1: Find Vulnerable Dependencies in Your Go Code — Govulncheck uses static analysis on your code,...

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    Go Example Apps

    Boost Your Go App Security with FusionAuth: Try Our Example SDKs — Explore real-world example apps to...

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    GitHub - nikoksr/notify: A dead simple Go library for sending notifications to various messaging services.

    Notify 1.0: Send Notifications to Various Messaging Services — Supports about thirty different services including Discord,...

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    Live website updates with Go, SSE, and htmx

    Live Website Updates with Go, SSE, and HTMX — Showing real-time updates on a site may...

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    GitHub - 0verread/minigrad: Andrej Karpathy's Micrograd in Go

    Minigrad: Andrej Karpathy's Micrograd in Go — A neural network library using an autograd approach. It’s...


    Fyne 2.5: GUI App Framework for Desktop, Mobile and Web — Fyne isn’t a new project,...

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    GitHub - mergestat/timediff: Go library for printing human readable, relative time differences 🕰️

    timediff: Produce Human Readable, Relative Time Differences — For example: timediff.TimeDiff(time.Now().Add(-3 * time.Minute)) would produce “3...

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    Introducing Quartz: A Deterministic Time Testing Library for Go

    Quartz: A Deterministic Time Testing Library — A new mocking library designed for testing code that...

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    Go range iterators demystified

    Go Range Iterators Demystified — In Go 1.22 (behind a flag) or 1.23 (currently in the...

  • Binary Search Tree with SIMD

    Building a Binary Search Tree with SIMD and Go's Assembler — When you want a little...

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    Give your Go app superpowers with an Embedded NATS Server

    ▶  Give Your Go App 'Superpowers' with an Embedded NATS Server — NATS is a lightweight real-time client/server...

  • Profiling in Go: A Practical Guide |

    Profiling in Go: A Practical Guide — Pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your apps by profiling their...

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    Kafka is dead, long live Kafka

    Kafka Is Dead, Long Live Kafka — Kafka is polarizing, yet ubiquitous. What if you could...

  • GitHub - felangga/chiko: The ultimate beauty gRPC Client on your Terminal!

    Chiko: An Elegant gRPC TUI Client — Uses the popular tview terminal UI widget library to...

  • Build Tools for Go | Inkmi

    Build Tools for Go — If the out-of-the-box build tools aren’t getting it done, here’s list...

  • CoreDNS: DNS and Service Discovery

    CoreDNS: A DNS and Service Discovery Server — A DNS server built in Go that supports...

  • Locally patching dependencies in Go - Eli Bendersky's website

    Locally Patching Dependencies in Go — When you want to temporarily modify the code of a...

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    I sent 500 million HTTP requests to 2.5 million hosts

    Using Go to Send 500 Million HTTP Requests to 2.5 Million Hosts — Dawid leant on...

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    Using profile-guided optimization (PGO) for your Go apps | Google Cloud Blog

    Using Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) for Go Apps — We’ve featured many case studies of the improvements...

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    GitHub - AllenDang/giu: Cross platform rapid GUI framework for golang based on Dear ImGui.

    Giu 0.8: A Dear ImGui-Based Cross Platform GUI Framework — Another way to create GUI apps...

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    GitHub - gotranspile/cxgo: Tool for transpiling C to Go.

    CxGo: A Tool for Transpiling C to Go — There’s an online demo if you want...

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    GitHub - openhue/openhue-go: OpenHue Go is a library written in Golang for interacting with the Philips Hue smart lighting systems

    💡 OpenHue Go: Interact with Philips Hue Smart Lighting — Philips’ range of Hue smart lights are...

  • Joker

    Joker 1.4: A Small Interpreted Dialect of Clojure Written in Go — A small interpreter, linter...

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    Release v2.14.0 · ergochat/ergo

    Ergo 2.14: A Modern IRC Server/ircd — Formerly known as Oragono, this is a Go-powered IRCv3-compatible...

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    GitHub - jf-tech/omniparser: omniparser: a native Golang ETL streaming parser and transform library for CSV, JSON, XML, EDI, text, etc.

    OmniParser: A Go-Powered ETL System — Ingest CSV, XML, JSON, EDIFACT, X12, and more, in a...

  • Doggo

    Doggo: A Go-Powered Command Line DNS Client — A DNS tool written in Go designed to...

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    GitHub - syntaqx/cookie: Cookies, but with structs, for happiness.

    🍪 Cookie: Cookies, But With Structs — Set, get, and remove cookies, both plaintext and signed.

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    GitHub - poundifdef/SmoothMQ: A drop-in replacement for SQS designed for great developer experience and efficiency.

    SmoothMQ: A Drop-in Replacement for Amazon SQS — Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a distributed message...

  • River - Fast, reliable background jobs in Go

    River: A Fast, Robust Job Queue for Go — A Postgres-backed background job system that encourages...

  • Integrate Go Library into a JavaScript Webpage with WebAssembly

    How to Use a Go Library on a Web Page with WebAssembly — Compiling Go code...

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    Ardan Labs Consulting

    Go! Unlock Your Tech Potential with Ardan Labs Consulting — Struggling with skill gaps, development speed...

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    Realtime diagnostic logging, or how to really spy on your Go web apps—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog

    Realtime Diagnostic Logging (or 'How to Really Spy on Your Go Web Apps') — An exploration...

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    Writing generic collection types in Go: the missing documentation

    Writing Generic Collection Types: The Missing Documentation — Go 1.18 introduced generics, but the author found...

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    Three Ways To Think About Channels

    Three Ways to Think About Channels — Channels seem trivial on the surface, but actually using...

  • Go 1.23 Release Candidate 1 is released

    Go 1.23 Release Candidate 1 Released — A simple announcement for the first release candidate of...

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    Release v4.0.0 · hairyhenderson/gomplate

    gomplate 4.0: A Flexible CLI Tool for Template Rendering — A template renderer that supports a...

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    Caesar: A New Go Web Framework Inspired by Traditional Frameworks — Where ‘traditional’ means things like...

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    Release v1.8.0 · antonmedv/walk

    Walk: A Terminal-Based File Manager — “Why another terminal navigator? I wanted something simple and minimalistic....

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    Shameless green: TDD in Go — Bitfield Consulting

    Shameless Green: TDD in Go — The latest in a series of posts on test-driven development...

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    Guide to Sign, Notarize and Staple Your Go App for outside Mac App Store distribution

    How to Sign, Notarize and Staple a Go App for Outside Mac App Store Distribution —...

  • making regex from scratch in GO

    Making a Regex Engine from Scratch in Go — Over eleven posts, Lewis walks through the...

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    Basics of Go | Learn Go Basics and Get Up to Speed Quickly

    Master the Basics of Go — Join Maximiliano Firtman for this detailed video course covering the...