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    With PowerPC, Windows CE and the WiiN-PAD slate, everyone's a WiiN-er (except Data General)

    Telemedicine (and mobile health generally) accumulated a hunk of public mindshare during the pandemic emergency, but...

  • Virtualizing the 6502 with 6o6 (and The Incredible KIMplement goes 1.0)

    Okay, promises, promises. Here's the first of my bucket list projects I'm completing which I've intermittently...

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    Refurb weekend: Data General/One (and the worst LCD in the world)

    I mentioned earlier that while I prefer specializing in non-x86 laptops, that doesn't mean I don't...

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    After 41 years, my first assembly program on my first computer, the Tomy Tutor

    We got it in 1983, I think, so it only took me about 41 years to...

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    An Apple district manager's Macintosh Portable in 1989-91 (featuring GEIS AppleLink and a look at System 7.0 alpha)

    A few months ago I introduced you to one of the more notable Apple pre-production units...

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    CAP-X and COMP-X: how the Tandy Pocket Computers got a sucky Japanese assembler

    I grew up primarily with the Commodore 64, where if you wanted to do anything really...

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    Reversing the Web-@nywhere Watch: browse fragments of the Web on your wrist

    In the halcyon days of analogue modems and POTS dialup Internet, when the only wireless connection...