Bookmarks (17)

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    Add non-null modifier for migrations, default script folder and gen...

    Hey everyone, Happy Friday! Vipul here with the latest updates for This Week in Rails. Let’s...

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    New database sharding methods, improved Active Record Migration Doc...

    Hey everyone, Happy Friday! Vipul here with the latest updates for This Week in Rails. Let’s...

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    Better error message, opt-in devcontainers and more!

    Hi, it’s Greg. Let’s explore this week’s changes in the Rails codebase.Raise a descriptive error when...

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    Rails community survey, improved association validation errors and ...

    Hi, Wojtek here. Let’s explore this week’s changes in the Rails.Fix index_errors and provide :nested_attributes_order mode...

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    Rails console improvements, assertionless tests reporting and more!

    Hi, it’s Greg. Let’s explore this week’s changes in the Rails codebase.Build Rails console on top...

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    ActiveRecord::Base#pluck accepts hash values, devcontainers improve...

    Hey everyone, Happy Friday! I hope you get some time to unwind and relax going into...

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    Defering jobs enqueuening to after the transaction commit, queries ...

    Hi, Wojtek here exploring this week’s changes.Article.transaction do |transaction| article.update(published: true) transaction.after_commit do PublishNotificationMailer.with(article: article).deliver_later end...

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    Retry known idempotent SELECT queries, New Active Record configurat...

    Greetings! I'm Emmanuel Hayford, here to bring you your weekly instalment of "This Week In Rails"....