Bookmarks (559)

  • Ukraine bond yields

    Right now in the neighborhood of 46%.  Right before the election they were roughly at 34%. ...

  • Friday assorted links

    1. New blood test for pancreatic cancer. 2. More on IRBs and the law. 3. Freedom...

  • How the System Works

    Charles Mann is worried that so few of us have any notion of the giant, interconnected...

  • Passive listeners on Spotify

    I have been reading the new Liz Pelly book Mood Machine: The Rise of Spotify and...

  • How to teach people how to work with AI

    I have a very concrete and specific proposal for teaching people how to work with AI. ...

  • Income inequality in the Nordics

    Our analysis suggests that income equality in the Nordics is primarily driven by a significant compression...

  • Thursday assorted links

    1. Samir Varma is now on Substack. 2. “This is consistent with my (and Habermas’s) view...

  • Steel Tariffs in Two Pictures

    Recall Principle 2 of Three Simple Principles of Trade Policy, Businesses are Consumers Too. Case in...

  • Place Effects on Fertility Decision: Evidence from Mover Design

    This paper investigates the causal impact of place-based factors on fertility decision using mover design and...

  • Will stablecoins herald a broader-based dollarization?

    That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column.  Here is one excerpt: Stablecoins are programmable...

  • Wednesday assorted links

    1. Nvidia markets in everything? 2. Selfish Reasons to Have Kids is now available on audiobook....

  • Why it is hard for the Executive to disobey the judiciary

    An excellent thread from Dilan Esper.  Excerpt: I have pointed out already that Elon Musk has...

  • The danger of Trump disobeying court orders

    Ilya Somin covers this question over at Volokh Conspiracy.  I receive many queries about this, some...

  • What should I ask Austan Goolsbee?

    Yes I will be doing a Conversation with him.  So what should I ask?  Here is...

  • The three levels of AI understanding

    If you are trying to contextualize someone’s opinion on current AI, I suggest asking three basic...

  • China fact of the day

    Marriages in China plunged by a fifth to the lowest level on record last year, a setback to...

  • What should I ask Jennifer Pahlka?

    Yes, I will be doing a Conversation with her.  From Wikipedia: Jennifer Pahlka (born December 27, 1969) is...

  • Tuesday assorted links

    1. How much did the modern mortgage support the baby boom? 2. “Over the 2008-2016 period,...

  • Lift the Ban on Supersonics: No Boom

    Boom, the supersonic startup, has announced that their new jet reaches supersonic speeds but without creating...

  • Protection against asteriod strikes

    I have some bad news, fellow Earthlings: There is a newly discovered asteroid, called 2024 YR4, headed...

  • The Effect of European Monarchs on State Performance

    We create a novel reign-level data set for European monarchs, covering all major European states between...

  • Greenland Next

    Hat tip: Max The post Greenland Next appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.         CommentsI assume you...

  • The exhaustion of rents

    A computer expert who has battled for a decade to recover a £600m bitcoin fortune he...

  • Monday assorted links

    1. One way the demand for donkeys and horses might rise (speculative). 2. Is France the...

  • Dwarkesh’s Question

    One question I had for you while we were talking about the intelligence stuff was, as...

  • Niall Ferguson on world music

    Worlds collide, as Niall is interviewed (very effectively) in Songlines magazine, and yes I am a...

  • It’s later than you think

    Here is a short essay by Hollis Robbins on AI and education, excerpt: Every faculty member...

  • New York City fact and poetic passage of the day

    If the coastline of the New York Harbor region were stretched out, it would be longer...

  • Sunday assorted links

    1. Quantum technologies for health care? (speculative!) 2. ChatGPT comments on Tanner Greer. 3. Mercatus looking...

  • Minimum Wages, Efficiency, and Welfare

    Recently Alex raised some doubts, to say the least, about the Card-Krueger view of minimum wage...

  • USPS as a failed sovereign wealth fund

    The U.S. government has a direct stake in natural resource wealth, collecting royalties from the extraction...

  • Saturday assorted links

    1. Long-form interview with Cesar Gaviria, Colombia’s reforming president. 2. Among the Post-Feminists. 3. Both AI and...

  • The Licensing Racket

    I review a very good new book on occupational licensing, The Licensing Racket by Rebecca Haw...

  • How effective was pandemic aid?

    We use an instrumental-variables estimator reliant on variation in congressional representation to analyze the macroeconomic effects...

  • *Atlantic Cataclysm*

    The author is David Eltis and the subtitle is Rethinking the Atlantic Slave Trades.  Here is...

  • The Afrikaner exception

    The White House just issued an executive order on South Africa that includes admitting Afrikaner South...

  • “By your culture, we shall know ye”

    From President Trump: At my direction, we are going to make the Kennedy Center in Washington...

  • Michael Pettis responds in the FT

    Robert Armstrong at the FT gives him a chance to respond to Noah and Krugman and...

  • Friday assorted links

    1. Using AI to cut government spending. 2. “I built RPLY to never miss a text...

  • Alex and I consider how to reform the NSF in economics

    Here is a redux of our 2016 Journal of Economic Perspectives piece.  Here is the abstract:...

  • My excellent Conversation with Ross Douthat on God and religion

    Here is the audio, video, and transcript.  I am very glad Ross flew down from Connecticut...

  • “Can America Win the AI War with China?”

    A long video chat, with Geoffrey Cain, who is more hawkish than I am.  Bari Weiss...

  • Thursday assorted links

    1. Is DOGE leading an AGI revolution in government? 2. And on the legislative front…? (does...

  • Three Simple Principles of Trade Policy

    Are we in a trade war today? Who knows? Doesn’t really matter. It’s always a good...

  • What should I ask Sheilagh Ogilvie?

    She is a Canadian economic historian at Oxford, here is from her home page: I am...

  • Deep Research considers the costs and benefits of US AID

    You can read it here, summary sentence: Based on the analysis above, the net assessment leans...

  • I wonder if he enjoyed our Markets in Everything series?

    Now he is in it: A former senior adviser to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors...

  • Wednesday assorted links

    1. Douglas Irwin on dismantling the Indian license raj.  And Indians praying for visas under Trump. ...

  • Trumpian policy as cultural policy

    The Trump administration has issued a blizzard of Executive Orders, and set many other potential changes...

  • US AID bleg

    What are the best sources to read on US AID, and its costs and benefits?  I...