Bookmarks (569)

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    Russia facts of the day - Marginal REVOLUTION

    A further bump in real wages of up to 3.5 per cent is expected this year,...

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    Friday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Two Patrick Collison citations on mentorship. 2. The refrigerator anecdote. 3. Nick Whitaker puts forward...

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    Markets in Everything: Fentanyl Precursors - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Reuters: To learn how this global industry works, reporters made multiple buys of precursors over the...

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    Which are the most effective subsidies for green energy? - Marginal REVOLUTION

    That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column, here is one excerpt: A recent study finds that,...

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    My excellent Conversation with Alan Taylor, on American history - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Here is the audio, video, and transcript.  Here is the episode summary: Tyler and Taylor take...

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    From Google DeepMind (it's happening) - Marginal REVOLUTION

    We’re presenting the first AI to solve International Mathematical Olympiad problems at a silver medalist level....

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    Thursday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Malaysia to build a large AI and data centre next to Singapore (FT). 2. The...

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    Overturn Euclid v. Ambler - Marginal REVOLUTION

    An excellent post from Maxwell Tabarrok at Maximum Progress: On 75 percent or more of the...

  • My podcast with Peter Singer and Kasia de Lazari-Radek - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Lots of fresh material and debate, they question me, lots of philosophy, here are the links. ...

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    Who uses ChatGPT? - Marginal REVOLUTION

    By Anders Humlum and Emilie Vestergaard: We study the adoption of ChatGPT, the icon of Generative...

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    Be there or be square! - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Here is the link. The post Be there or be square! appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION....

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    Wednesday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Rationing child care in Canada. 2. Does war reinforce gender stereotypes? 3. HIV vaccine in...

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    Cuba Libre! Part 2 - Marginal REVOLUTION

    In April I posted, following an excellent piece by Martin Gurri, that 4% of Cuba’s population...

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    France faces glut of unwanted Olympics tickets - Marginal REVOLUTION

    The number of unwanted Paris Olympics tickets available for resale has hit more than a quarter...

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    Kamala Harris economic record - Marginal REVOLUTION

    As a presidential candidate, Ms. Harris proposed replacing Mr. Trump’s 2017 tax cuts with a monthly refundable...

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    One of my favorite Stravinsky pieces - Marginal REVOLUTION

    The post One of my favorite Stravinsky pieces appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.         CommentsAnyone have...

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    Introducing Llama 3.1 - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Read about it here, use it here.  Here is some video.  Bravo! The post Introducing Llama...

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    Tuesday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. James Scott was working on rivers when he died. 2. Jonathan Swift, microfinance pioneeer. 3....

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    Does Income Affect Health? (an RCT) - Marginal REVOLUTION

    This paper provides new evidence on the causal relationship between income and health by studying a...

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    What I've been reading - Marginal REVOLUTION

    James J. Walsh, The Thirteenth Greatest of Centuries.  Eccentric, published long ago, not correct, yet full...

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    Monday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. A simple theory of U.S. home prices. 2. Raising welfare in lab rodents. 3. The...

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    Not Lost In Translation: How Barbarian Books Laid the Foundation for Japan's Industrial Revoluton - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Japan’s growth miracle after World War II is well known but that was Japan’s second miracle....

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    The employment effects of a guaranteed income - Marginal REVOLUTION

    By Eva Vivalt, Elizabeth Rhodes, Alexander W. Bartik, David E. Broockman, Sarah Miller, Here is the...

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    *Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI* - Marginal REVOLUTION

    By Anil Ananthaswamy, an excellent book, it will make the end of year best non-fiction list. ...

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    James Scott, RIP - Marginal REVOLUTION

    The post James Scott, RIP appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.         CommentsTwitter thread here about a...

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    Comments are open - Marginal REVOLUTION

    If you would like to discuss recent events… The post Comments are open appeared first on...

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    Toumani Diabaté, RIP - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Via Charmaine Lee. The post Toumani Diabaté, RIP appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.         CommentsIn reply...

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    Sunday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Ghana’s architectural heritage. 2. Intelligent people are just as prejudiced, but toward different groups. 3....

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    Hollywood evidence on McCarthyism - Marginal REVOLUTION

    There is a new NBER working paper on this topic by Hui Ren Tan and Tianyi...

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    Will technology improve animal welfare? - Marginal REVOLUTION

    That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column, here is one excerpt: There is, however,...

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    Saturday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Yes, the vibes definitely have changed.  And some more vibe shift. 2. Bruce Springsteen is...

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    El Salvador bleg - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Santa Ana, and also San Salvador — what do you all recommend?  I thank you all...

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    Government Litigation Risk and the Decline in Low-Income Mortgage Lending - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Here is a new paper from W. Scott Frame, Kristopher Gerardi, Erik J. Mayer, Billy Y....

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    The economics of GLP-1 - Marginal REVOLUTION

    From Frank Fuhrig: Lean protein “emerged as the biggest winner” on supermarket shelves among shoppers who...

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    Friday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. How much cheating in on-line chess? (WSJ)  And the NYT on fourth-grader Bodhana Sivanandan. 2....

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    Every Stock is a Vaccine Stock, Revisited - Marginal REVOLUTION

    In May 2020, I wrote a post titled Every Stock is a Vaccine Stock highlighting that...

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    Argentina fact of the day - Marginal REVOLUTION

    La actividad económica creció 2,3% interanual en mayo de 2024 y 1,3% respecto de abri Here...

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    Current state of knowledge on the Trump tax cuts - Marginal REVOLUTION

    That is the topic of my latest Bloomberg column.  Here is one summary excerpt: One result:...

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    Competition - Marginal REVOLUTION

    way back in 2022, the best model in the world was text-davinci-003. it was much, much...

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    Thursday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Job creation through IRA. 2. Longevity progress in mice? 3. Fresh Vitalik. 4. Richard Ngo...

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    That was then, this is now - Marginal REVOLUTION

    The fairly quick on his feet Captain Queeg nonetheless was relieved of his command: Circa 1954....

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    Emergent Ventures 35th cohort - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Luke Strathmann, Brooklyn, to pursue projects related to economics and comedy. Tanvi Reddy, Austin, neural implants....

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    U.S.A. retail fact of the day - Marginal REVOLUTION

    At the remaining publicly listed department stores, credit cards — rather than retail sales — now...

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    Wednesday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. The evolving economics of cocaine in Colombia (NYT). 2. New NBER paper, surveys theoretical approach...

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    The changes in vibes - why did they happen? - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Clearly it has happened, and it has been accelerated and publicized by the Biden failings and...

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    One view, not to be entirely dismissed - Marginal REVOLUTION

    EAs building God. NRxers conquering the state. No more wokes vs chuds, but Thiel vs Karnofsky;...

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    Andrej Karpathy is founding Eureka Labs, an AI education company - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Here is the tweet, which connects to various links of relevance. Website: GitHub: 𝕏:@EurekaLabsAI...

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    Tuesday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION

    1. Marc Nerlove has passed away. 2. Those new Strava jockey service sector jobs. 3. Polostan,...

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    Disappearing polymorphs - Marginal REVOLUTION

    Here’s a wild phenomena I wasn’t previously aware of: In crystallography and materials science, a polymorph...

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    Migrant exposure and anti-migrant sentiment - Marginal REVOLUTION

    The subtitle of the paper is The Case of the Venezuelan Exodus, and the authors are...