~aeon | Bookmarks (105)
From simple motors to levitating trains – how design shapes innovation | Aeon Videos
An inventor traces the evolution of a single engineering idea, from Michael Faraday’s first motors to...
Why Brazil fell for Pentecostalism but not liberation theology | Aeon Essays
How Pentecostalism’s prosperity gospel replaced Catholic liberation theology in Latin American life - by Elle Hardy...
How an artist transformed a dilapidated hunting lodge into a house made of dreams | Aeon Videos
Take a trip to Luna Parc, New Jersey, a former hunting lodge, now part living museum,...
I am a better therapist since I let go of therapeutic theory | Aeon Essays
For twenty years, I was a practising psychotherapist. Today I believe it has no foundation in...
Are zoos and natural history museums born of a desire to understand, or to control? | Aeon Videos
What drives us to create zoos and natural history museums – is it a curiosity about...
Before you define fiction, check your metaphysical assumptions | Aeon Essays
What distinguishes fiction from nonfiction? The answer to this perennial question relies on how we understand...
If you ask ‘Why?’, you’re a philosopher, and you’re awesome | Aeon Essays
Diving into the ring of darkness beyond things easily answerable, asking ‘Why?’ questions is what make...
What’s an ancient Greek brick doing in a Sumerian city? An archeological investigation | Aeon Videos
A British Museum curator explains why making sense of archeological ruins is like finding a single...
The French modernists loathed and loved the mass media of their day | Aeon Essays
How French modernists from Proust to Mallarmé were alarmed and inspired by the voracious dynamism of...
The migrants missing in Mexico, and the mothers who won’t stop searching for them | Aeon Videos
‘We share and feel the same pain’: the mothers looking for their children who disappeared in...
We can still get out of the climate Hellocene and into the clear | Aeon Essays
Despite decades of inaction we can avert the climate Hellocene and restore the atmosphere to keep...
Why Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith were divided on the virtues of vanity | Aeon Videos
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith agreed that vanity was all too human. But one saw it...
How moral resilience helps nurses work through ethical strife | Aeon Essays
Nurses experience deep suffering when they can’t act according to their moral compass. Our research shows...
There are no pure cultures - we have always been global | Aeon Essays
All of our religions, stories, languages and norms were muddled and mixed through mobility and exchange...
The tree frog die-off that sparked a global mystery – and revealed a dark truth | Aeon Videos
Returning to the cold case of the disappearing frogs of Costa Rica, a biologist reveals a...
Why prayer is a problem-solving practice that works | Aeon Essays
Praying is a cognitive practice full of problem-solving resources. You can learn from it even if...
In art, the sublime is a feedback loop, evolving with whatever’s next to threaten us | Aeon Videos
The history, development and force of the sublime in Western art shows how what we fear...
How the search for beauty drives scientific enquiry | Aeon Essays
We surveyed thousands of scientists in four countries and learned just how important beauty is to...
From Afghanistan to Virginia – the Muslims who fought in the American Civil War | Aeon Videos
The stories of two Muslim immigrants who fought for the Union show that the American Civil...
When women’s needlework becomes an act of subversive protest | Aeon Essays
Knitting and embroidery are laden with stereotypes of domestic femininity – and the subversive potential for...
History is always political, and contest over it is a good thing | Aeon Essays
In his work on republicanism as a living idea, J G A Pocock showed that contesting...
One family’s harrowing escape from postwar Vietnam, told in a poignant metaphor | Aeon Videos
The self-sacrifice of ants to save their colonies is an allegory and a euphemism in one...
How the novel became a laboratory for experimental physics | Aeon Essays
By testing the boundaries of reality, Spanish-language authors have created a sublime counterpart to experimental physics...
Visit the small Texas community that lives in the shadow of SpaceX launches | Aeon Videos
A portrait of the Texas coastline occupied by SpaceX reveals the footprints we leave on Earth...