~openculture | Bookmarks (171)
Watch the Sex Pistols’ Christmas Party for Kids–Which Happened to Be Their Final Gig in the UK (1977)
I’m not sure the Sex Pistols had “available for children’s parties” on their press release, but...
The Ingenious Engineering of Leonardo da Vinci’s Self-Supporting Bridge, Explained
The video above from Sabins Civil Engineering promises to reveal “the MAGIC behind Da Vinci’s Self...
Watch The Insects’ Christmas from 1913: A Stop Motion Film Starring a Cast of Dead Bugs
Kind Reader, Will you do us the honor of accepting our holiday invitation? Carve five minutes...
How Keith Jarrett Played on a Broken Piano & Turned a Potentially Disastrous Concert Into the Best-Selling Piano Album of All Time (1975)
Nearly fifty years ago, the celebrated young pianist Keith Jarrett arrived in the West German city...
A Simple, Down-to-Earth Christmas Card from the Great Depression (1933)
The Smithsonian sets the scene for this Christmas card sent in 1933, a few years into...
How Medieval Islamic Engineering Brought Water to the Alhambra
Between 711 and 1492, much of the Iberian Peninsula, including modern-day Spain, was under Muslim rule....
The Sinking of the Britannic: An Animated Introduction to the Titanic’s Forgotten Sister Ship
We all know about the Titanic. Less often do we hear about the Britannic—the sister passenger...
Binge-Watch Classic Television Programs Free: The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Lone Ranger, Dragnet, That Girl & More
Earlier this week, we featured the 99-year-old Dick Van Dyke’s performance in Coldplay’s new music video,...
Watch the Surrealist Glass Harmonica, the Only Animated Film Ever Banned by Soviet Censors (1968)
The Soviet Union’s repressive state censorship went to absurd lengths to control what its citizens read,...
The Engineering of the Strandbeest: How the Magnificent Mechanical Creatures Have Technologically Evolved
Life evolves, but machines are invented: this dichotomy hardly conflicts with what most of us have...
When Christmas Was Legally Banned for 22 Years by the Puritans in Colonial Massachusetts
Complaints about the commercial-age corruption of Christmas miss one critical fact: as a mass public celebration,...
Hear the Evolution of Electronic Music: A Sonic Journey from 1929 to 2019
It’s easy to get the impression that enthusiasts of electronic music listen to nothing else. (Not...
99-Year-Old Dick Van Dyke Sings & Dances in a Touching New Coldplay Video, Directed by Spike Jonze
There’s one thing right with our world, and it’s Dick Van Dyke. Appearing in a new...
Sci-Fi Writer Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Rise of Artificial Intelligence & Wonders What Will Happen to Humanity (1978)
We now live in the midst of an artificial-intelligence boom, but it’s hardly the first of...
An Illustrator Creates a Kindle for Charles Dickens, Placing 40 Miniature Classics within a Large Portable Book
For a design class project, Rachel Walsh, a student at Cardiff School of Art and Design,...
What Ancient Greek Music Sounded Like: Listen to a Reconstruction That’s “100% Accurate”
Between 750 BC and 400 BC, the Ancient Greeks composed songs meant to be accompanied by...
The 63 Cuisines of China Explained in 40 Minutes: A Complete Primer
Wherever in the world you grew up, you probably grew up with an inaccurate idea of...
Unlock AI’s Potential in Your Work and Daily Life: Take a Popular Course from Google
Generative AI is rapidly becoming an essential tool for streamlining work and solving complex challenges. However,...
Explore an Online Archive of 2,100+ Rare Illustrations from Charles Dickens’ Novels
As Christmastime approaches, few novelists come to mind as readily as Charles Dickens. This owes mainly,...
The BBC Creates Step-by-Step Instructions for Knitting the Iconic Dr. Who Scarf: A Document from the Early 1980s
When Jon Pertwee reincarnated into Tom Baker in 1974, the Fourth Doctor of the popular sci-fi...
Scientists Discover that Ancient Egyptians Drank Hallucinogenic Cocktails from 2,300 Year-Old Mug
Bes mug by USF Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx) on Sketchfab If ZZ Top have a...
Édouard Manet Illustrates Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, in a French Edition Translated by Stephane Mallarmé (1875)
Edgar Allan Poe achieved almost instant fame during his lifetime after the publication of The Raven (1845),...
Beautiful 19th Century Maps of Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno, Purgatory, Paradise & More
Even the least religious among us speak, at least on occasion, of the circles of hell....
The Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants: Explore the 1977 Illustrated Guide Created by Harvard’s Groundbreaking Ethnobotanist Richard Evan Schultes
I mean, the idea that you would give a psychedelic—in this case, magic mushrooms or the...