~nodeweekly | Issue 561 - Unflagged TypeScript support is just around the corner (14)
GitHub - bbc/sqs-consumer: Build Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) based applications without the boilerplate
sqs-consumer 11.3: Build Amazon SQS-Based Apps Without Boilerplate — Build SQS-based (Simple Queue Service) apps without...
Node.js Now Supports TypeScript By Default
Node.js Now Supports TypeScript By Default — It’s been possible to run TypeScript directly with Node.js...
1-billion row challenge with Node.js
Tackling the '1 Billion Row Challenge' with Node — The 1 Billion Row Challenge (1BRC) arose...
Node.js — Node v23.5.0 (Current)
Node v23.5.0 (Current) Released — A Node release that slipped in just before 2024 ended. WebCryptoAPI’s...
smoores.dev - Announcing: @smoores/epub
Introducing @smoores/epub: A Package for Working with EPUB Files — EPUB is a popular e-book file...
Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React
Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React — A guide that teaches you how to...
Release 8.3.0 – Pipes of Steel · google/zx
zx 8.3: A Tool for Writing Better Shell Scripts — zx is an alternative way to...
GitHub - release-it/release-it: 🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing
Release It 18.0: A CLI Tool to Automate Package Publishing Tasks — Think things like bumping...
GitHub - AsyncBanana/microdiff: A fast, zero dependency object and array comparison library. Significantly faster than most other deep comparison libraries and has full TypeScript support.
MicroDiff 1.5: No Dependency Object and Array Comparison Library — Given two objects or arrays, it...
GitHub - mathiasbynens/jsesc: Given some data, jsesc returns the shortest possible stringified & ASCII-safe representation of that data.
jsesc: Get a Stringified, ASCII-Safe Representation of Any Data — Think JSON.stringify() but instead it returns...
CSV Parse - Usage
CSV Parse: Convert CSV Text into Arrays / Objects — Extends Node’s native transform stream API...
GitHub - murat-dogan/node-datachannel: WebRTC For Node.js and Electron (including WebSocket Client & Server). libdatachannel node bindings.
node-datachannel: libdatachannel Bindings for Node.js — libdatachannel is a standalone C++17-based implementation of various WebRTC standards,...
GitHub - kristiandupont/schemalint: Lint database schemas
Schemalint: A Linter for Postgres Schemas — A linter that lets you raise errors on a...
Build with Memetria K/V — Memetria
Memetria K/V: High-Performance Key-Value Hosting — Boost your Node.js apps with Memetria K/V, providing portable, easy-to-use...