
c# ×
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    ConcurrentDictionary after some time shows incorrect values

    I have some WebSocketHandler which periodically sends changes. Each time when I send a notification, I...

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    Why does my bot get stuck "thinking when i try this?

    I'm in the process of writing a Discord bot using C# with Dsharpplus. At the moment...

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    How to request many files to servers? (sync, async, another way)

    I have an application in which I will request some files from some servers. I Have...

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    How to find a Unicode font that includes Urdu characters?

    I have an Unity Project, In that Project, i need to Type Urdu Texts in Text...

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    How to use virtual ICollection in ASP.NET Core

    I'm working on comment on the product details page. I want to display all the comments...

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    Visual Studio run into an unexpected problem, and may affect some project system functions. (Open log file)

    I've bumped into such kind of issue and don't know how to solve it. here is...

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    Automapper gives a null object?

    Getting a null object from Automapper [09:25:23 ERR] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance...

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    C# Secure Messaging decryption method

    I'm trying to implement this decryption method from java to c#: https://github.com/ecsec/open-ecard/blob/f66ae48e7bbb2bb27a524e12d3febabf162c17c7/ifd/ifd-protocols/pace/src/main/java/org/openecard/ifd/protocol/pace/SecureMessaging.java#L198C3-L198C90 /** * Decrypt the...

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    I need an idea to build a dynamic application on the fly

    I want to build an application where a user will be able to create his/her own...

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    TabbedPage adding children content not shown

    I wanted to dynamically show and hide a tab in a TabbedPage. When the app starts,...

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    Error Consuming WEB API with ASP.NET Core

    I'm making a web app that consumes an API with ASP.NET Core. I'm new to this...

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    menu item in plugin for outlook using c# VSTO

    I am trying to create a plugin for outlook using c# VSTO. When I click the...

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    .NET Core Include Method in Dependency Injection

    I'm not sure if I am asking this question correctly, so please bear with me as...

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    Why is the Blazor value not immediately being rendered after changing it?

    Using a BlazorWebView control (introduction) inside a WinForms .NET 8 form, I do have this "Counter.razor"...

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    How to decode this jwt token from base64?

    In my webapplication I generate a token like this public string GenerateJSONWebToken(int userID, string key, string...

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    How do I insert an image into the first footer?

    I create a footer, insert the text without any problems. static void Main(string[] args) { CreateFooter(@"D:\1.docx");...

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    Convert row list data into column using C#

    I have bind a class list with multiple values. My list is : List<coveredoption> lst =...

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    How do I know if a property is validated?

    I am coding a setting page to set the IP to an Ethernet device. I placed...

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    dapper must decalre Must declare the scalar variable "@pDBMode"

    three call GetDetailData,but only "BOML" call when error Must declare the scalar variable "@pDBMode",other call not...